General regulation The following conditions are binding for internet shop Conditions describe the rights and duties of seller and customer. All bussiness relations are accorded with the Czech law.
Consumer's rights and duties abide by the Civil code (40/1964 Sb.) and the consumer's protection code (634/1992 Sb.).
Enterpriser's rights and duties abide by the Commercial code (513/1991 Sb.)
Order and contract
the customer orders, it means that he knows all conditions and he
agrees with them. The order is a proposal of a contract. The contract is
done, when customer tak over his ordered goods. The order is valid in
case that all data fields in order form are filled in. It is necessary
to fill in delivery adrress in order form. Customer gets his property
right after payment and overtake.
customer fills in the registration or ordering form, he gives a
permission to the seller to assemble and archive his personal and
ordering datas.
All prices are stated in czech crowns without VAT, if not mentioned otherwise.
will be as short as possible, usually 2 " 10 working days. In the view
of a big amount of goods we cannot guarantee the availability of all
items in stock. This may cause longer delivery time. Ordered goods is
delivered by delivery company. Customer is supposed to take the goods
over, check the packaging, number of packages. If anything is wrong,
customer is oblideg to write it into the delivery protocol.
Customer's avoidance of a contract:
has a right to avoid a contract in 14 days according to 53 of Civil
code. If he decides for avoidance and if he follows the conditions
written below, he will get his money back.
If you avoid a contract, please send the advoidance (incl. variable symbol and the date of invoce) on
and then send it with the goods back on adrress NIXE s.r.o.,
Radošovice 14, 386 01 Strakonice. The goods has to be in original
packaging, mustn't be used, damaged and you must also send the payment
confirmation (or copy).
send goods on cash on delivery and we recommend you to insure the
goods. This guarantee is not valid for audio and video delivery where
the original wrapping is damaged.
all conditions are fulfiled, we will send you money back to your
account. If any of conditions written above is breached, we will not
accept the avoidance of a contract and the goods will be send back to
customer on his costs.
Seller's avoidance of a contract and right to change the price:
The seller can avoid a contract in following cases:
*the goods is not in stock for a long time *the goods is not produced anymore *supllier distinctively changed the price
seller has a right to change the price. The exact price is confirmed at
the moment of order confirmation. If the valid price is same or lower
than the price in order, it is not confirmed anymore and the goods is
delivered for the valid price.
the valid price is higher than the price in order, seller immediatelly
contact the customer who can accept the new price or he can refuse
Complain rules:
The guarantee period is determined by law.
guarantee is relevant to all apparent and hidden defects which make the
goods useless. The customer is obliged to check the goods immediatelly
after overtake. The customer is obliged to inform the seller about
defects and diffences in invoice or amount up to 3 days. The customer
has to send letter about defects on adrress NIXE s.r.o., Rado�ovice 14,
386 01 Strakonice, or he can send e-mail on
In the letter he must describe all defects and he may ask for redemption (repair, change, discount etc.)
In case of complain the customer must add the invoice, payment confirmation, delivery confirmation and the goods.
If the goods is damaged mechanically after overtake or it is used for different purposes, the complain will not be accepted.
Storage conditions
All goods must be kept in dry atmosphere and out of liquids. If these conditions are brached, the goods can be damaged.